Jesus Brings Salvation

Every birth is a miracle, and every child is a “Gift from God.” But centuries ago, the miracle of miracles occurred. A baby was born. This child was the Son of God and a gift to all humanity. Jesus, the Savior of the World. Jesus is the excellent Deliverer of sin and evil. The most outstanding is divine salvation. One of the greatest examples of divine salvation is when God delivered Israel from Egypt. God is often spoken of in the Old Testament as the Savior (Is 43:3,11). Still, in the New Testament, God provides the Great Deliverer, His only begotten Son is the great Messiah and the Promised One.
Luke’s gospel provides more detail about this divine birth. God is Jesus’ Divine Father, and Mary is His human mother. This child brought hope, peace, and great joy to the whole world. Luke’s gospel affirms Jesus’ divinity. The main emphasis in Luke is Jesus’s humanity as the Son of Man. Jesus, the Son of Man, understands all our human needs. And the greatest of all our needs is for salvation. Salvation is for everyone. We are to seek the Lord while He can be found. Call on Him now while He is near (Is. 55:6). Jesus knows both our physical and spiritual needs. The greatest of our needs is to be free from the slavery of sin and the penalty of death. This can be only found in Jesus Christ; Jesus the Savior came to bring redemption to the whole world. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus did not come to judge the world but that the world might be saved through Him” (John 3:16-17). Jesus made salvation possible when he gave up His life on the cross and rose on the third day with all power. Because He died, we are now set free from sin and death.
The invitation of salvation is offered to everyone; we can accept or reject it. Those of us who believe and confess in our hearts that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). Since we are saved, we look forward to that great celebration of the overthrow of evil, joy, and peace with God for eternity (Is 26:6-9). This great advent is when Jesus, the world’s Savior, comes to set up His earthly Kingdom. What a day of rejoicing it will be when we all see Jesus. We will sing and shout the victory! Merry Christmas.
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