Take the Next Step
Wherever you are in your walk with God, we want to equip and support you in taking the next step on your spiritual journey.
The Gospel
If you do not know Jesus Christ, we invite you to find life in him alone (1 John 5:12). Jesus gave his life so we could be forgiven of sin, reconciled to the Father, and be with him forever (John 3:16-17). Salvation is a free gift, not to be earned, but freely received by faith (Eph 2:8-9). If you would like to know more about faith in Jesus, join us this Sunday or Contact us.
Step to Baptism
Baptism is an important step in the life of faith, publically declaring one's faith in Christ and marking full participation in the life of the church community. We offer a Step to Baptism class for those interested in following Christ in this way.
Step to Membership
We offer a class each fall and spring for any interested in membership or those wanting to know more about our church.
Steps for Families
As a church, we share the various seasons of life together. We want to honor and celebrate significant life milestones together, and here are just a few:
Step to Parenting
Parents take this step when they participate in our Step to Parenting Class and Baby Dedication Ceremony. The Dedication is a public way for parents to affirm their intention to raise their child to know Christ, and an invitation for the church body to partner with this family in their commitment.
Step to Change
This step for 4th-6th graders and their parents to prepare for the changes of adolescence. A highlight is the Step to Change weekend event, a special getaway for parents and children to connect over key issues in light of the gospel.
Step to Independence
This step is for graduating seniors and their parents to consider their preparation for life after high school and major life decisions guided by Christ.
Stop by our Path to Real Life booth this Sunday to find out more about these and other Steps.