You Shall Teach Them to Your Children


Deuteronomy 11:19 is one of many Scriptures on the importance of making sure our children, and all who come after us, know about the Creator and Sustainer of all things. Prayer is one of the first practices parents use to introduce God to their children. Prayers at meals and bedtime start off simple and grow our child’s perspective on the wonder of our God. Prayer gives them a colorful canvas which transcends the often concrete, black-and-white structure of a child’s early development.

When asked about Star Wars, football, Legos, Avengers, or their favorite pizza, kids will share ideas, questions, and opinions. As we teach them about our creative, loving God, may they learn to eagerly share their ideas, questions, and thoughts with Him in prayer. Can we commit with them to slow down for intentional conversation with our Abba Father? Turn to the Lord's Prayer – a prayer that kids are able to follow, and one that teaches the rest of us to come to God like they do.

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