Stay in Your Pajamas


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

I was a model elementary and middle school student, and an honor roll high-schooler. I volunteered at my church growing up, and never did drugs. I earned a college degree in Music Education. This helped me hone my skills to be able to sing, teach, and understand an opera. I count myself blessed to be able to read and write. I try to be intentional with my mothering. (I can’t seem to potty train successfully, but we are going to glaze over that obnoxious little detail.) There is a lot I can ‘hang my hat on’ so far in this life. There is a lot I have worked for. 

Here is one of the reasons why I am infatuated with this verse; why it rings true in my heart and remains on my mind: My salvation does not depend on my work. 

Things this verse does not say:

...that whoever volunteers at church and believes in him shall have eternal life.

...that whoever drives the speed limit and believes in him shall have eternal life.

...that whoever uses clean language and believes in him shall have eternal life.

...that whoever tries their best in school and believes in him shall have eternal life.

...that whoever uses a calm voice with their children and believes in him shall have eternal life.

It doesn’t say any of that, but I think we often try to add something similar into this verse. It says that whoever believes in him shall have eternal life. Nothing added. I cannot make myself any more or less saved than I am right now. If I have a terrible day and I am selfish and short on patience, I still have eternal life. 

Do you ever find yourself wondering, “Is there something holy I should be doing right now?” If you are like me, you are reading this on your couch in your pajamas. Good job! Stay there a while. You are just as saved as when you are working hard. Salvation is one of the ways God loves you perfectly. Thank Him, bask in His love and look forward to His second coming when He redeems all things. Peace washes over me when I remember that my salvation does not depend on me or the things I work for—it depends on the omnipotent, perfectly loving God. May peace wash over you this advent season as you consider the salvation that is ours in Christ.

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