Invitation to Reflection

Lent Cross

For most of my life, I’ve equated Lent with practices which help us to be “ready” to celebrate Easter. For some, their observance of Lent constitutes a complicated relationship. Me? I’ve mostly remained comfortable with our mild acquaintance. Although in my self-centeredness I’ve “given up” on a lot of things, my flesh isn’t much inclined to “give up” anything (Lenten practices?... Perhaps. Donuts?... Let’s not go there…).

I’m growing to see the season of Lent as an invitation to self-reflection. Self-denial may be a necessary component, as may incorporating something new into one’s practice. We view Lent as a season, yet it is more so an invitation to permanence. Like the totality of our lives, with Lent we are invited anew to collaborate with God in cultivating something divine.
Lent calls us to shed what may bind us and to put on what may free us to see our hearts and move us further into the remarkable love of Christ. It invites us to demonstrate the courage to sincerely and honestly reform our lives and to reflect on where we are, and what we are seeking, and Lent calls us to sincerely and honestly want to overcome whatever weakens our relationship with the Godhead. 
The most important thing is relationship. May we approach this Lenten season not simply with an eye toward being “ready” for Easter, but with a heartfelt desire to deepen relationship with the One who separates us from death and binds us to life.

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