Depending in Grace through Prayer

As water is to fish, and air to our breathing, so is prayer to our spiritual life. Yet all too often we can struggle with "how-to," "want-to," or "why bother?" One focus for our church 2020 vision—“Depend in Grace, Live out Generosity”—is growth in our personal and corporate commitment to prayer. Prayer is one of the most fundamental expressions of our dependence on God. So consider a 90-day challenge to pray the Lord’s Prayer daily, personally or as a family.
Why the Lord’s prayer? What better place to refresh or grow a prayer life than where Jesus taught his disciples when they asked, “Lord teach us to pray.” Jesus responded with a simple 6-petition model prayer which has served to guide the church into growing dependence throughout its history.
So, next time you're at a loss for the right words to pray, “say” the words of Jesus’ prayer. And as the Spirit guides you in freedom to pray, draw on the foundation of its themes. And consider this easy way to remember both the words and themes as a daily part of your growing prayer life.
"A Simple Way to Pray the Lord's Prayer" by Josh Daffern
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