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Like Israel, we can get so focused on what we want God to do for us tomorrow that we miss what he’s doing for us today. The wilderness, for Israel and for us, is not a place between destinations but a part of the journey. A place where God leads and provides and reveals himself to his people....

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Dust and Ashes


When Job lost everything, as was custom, he sat in ashes (Job 2:8). Our culture avoids such blatant expressions of grief. We don’t like to wallow. But the intentionality of the symbol is powerful. Job didn’t pretend all was well when it wasn’t, nor should we. ...

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Subtle Idolatry


The first things that comes to our minds when we hear the word “idolatry” are typically little statues, golden calves, and ancient religion. Those are idols of course, but that is far too narrow of a view....

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The call to love our neighbor can often be a struggle. Let's face it; some people are easier to love than others. As a result, we often strive to ensure our neighbors look and think a lot like us. It may not be a conscious effort. After all, it's only "natural" to avoid relationships with those who are more challenging to be around. ...

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What's Your Golden Calf?


As we reflect on the earthly ministry of Jesus and the road he took to the cross, it is essential we remember why he had to come. Sin—our sin—is not something to be taken lightly. God certainly does not....

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Lenten Honesty


What are you giving up for Lent? Wouldn't it be nice if we could answer, "sin"? But we are like Paul, who confessed, "For the desire to do what is good is with me, but there is no ability to do it" (Rom 7:18 CSB). ...

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Loved in the Light


“Where are you?” God’s first response to Adam and Eve’s sin was not disappointment nor vengeance but a question, an invitation to connection. Ashamed and covered, Adam and Eve came to God with a never-before-felt tension. They were caught....

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Leap for Joy


"Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist speaking to Mary upon her arrival for a visit, 'As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy'" (Luke 1:44). What untold joys await those with ears to hear....

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When I was a kid, I thought KAOS was simply the name of an international organization of evil with the goal of world domination, make believe from the old TV show Get Smart. I didn’t know as a young child it was a play on the word chaos. Not all children are able to be as blissfully unaware of chaos as I was but all of us in our teen years, if not for sure by adulthood, ...

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All Is Well

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"Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people he favors!" (Luke 2:14 CSB)...

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