Archives for March 2022

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Springtime and Psalm 38


At this time of year spring is showing itself everywhere. Even the word Lent itself means spring, and the Lenten season has been described as a 40-day springtime for the soul....

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Thoughts on Psalm 6


King David had enemies who wanted to kill him. He poured out his heart in this song, the first of seven penitential psalms, and though I am not a warrior with adversaries in pursuit, I know what it is like to be grievously misunderstood. At night, while trying in vain to sleep, the unfairness of it all brings copious tears, prompts twisting of the sheets and grappling with...

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David starts out this psalm on a high note. He doesn’t muddle around with eyes downcast as he considers his failures and those of his people. Per the Living Translation, “O what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven; whose sin is put out of sight!” (vv.1-2) Wow, talk about skipping straight to dessert......

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My Soul Waits for the Lord


In Psalm 130, the writer pours out his anguish for his sins against almighty God, along with his urgent request for mercy. “If you, O Lord should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand,” the psalmist says in despair....

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Tending to the Tension of Lent

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"He regards the prayer of the destitute and does not despise their prayer" (Ps 102:17)...

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